The most Expensive animal in the world

Anyone with a pet  can tell you that animals aren't cheap.  All animals cost money, but  some of them cost crazy money.  From albino crocodiles, to  half a million dollar dogs,  here are the 10 most expensive  animals in the world. 

- Amazing!
 Number 10: Tibetan Mastiff.
 Dogs are a man's best friend  and are priced accordingly.  Pedigree breeds have long  been expensive purchases,  but the Tibetan Mastiff, which sells  for an average price of  $500,000, takes the biscuit,  if you'll excuse the pun.  In fairness, the Tibetan Mastiff  has a lot to recommend it.  Amongst the biggest dogs alive,  the Tibetan Mastiff is so loyal  it was traditionally used to protect  flocks of farm animals from predators  and took the duty pretty seriously,  given the reported cases of  Tibetan Mastiffs killing tigers.  That's why they are highly prized in China  where they have a very  strong cultural heritage.  The market for mastiffs  in china is so large that  - - get this -- it's estimated to generate  around 250 to 300 million  U.S. dollars a year.  To put that in perspective, that's a tenth  of the Chinese music industry,  which generates an estimated $33,000,000.  Then there's Sir Lancelot  Encoreand and Cap the Sheepdog,  which deserve a mention in  the expensive dogs category.  Sir Lancelot looks like  a pretty average dog  but the Encore in his name  alludes to the irregularity  that prices him at $155,000.  That's what his owners  had to pay to clone a dog  they were so fond of they  could only replace him  with an exact replica.  Cap the Sheepdog was a comparative steal  at a mere $16,000 and was priced purely  on the strength of his ability.  According to his breeder,  the Northern Irish  collie "is a special dog  "with genuine power and has  a calming effect on sheep."  It's fair to say that today,  prices of dogs have gone through the woof! 
Number 9 : Green Monkey.
How can a monkey cost $16  million you might say?  The answer is it can't.  Green Monkey is a horse and,  as his price tag suggests,  no ordinary horse.  Descended from prize-winning  racehorse stock,  Green Monkey became the subject  of a ferocious bidding war  in 2006 that ultimately drove  his price up to $16,000,000.  Given that he was descended  from Kentucky Derby champions,  bidders assumed that  Green Monkey would became  a lucrative race-winner himself,  but the horse never lived up  to expectations on the track,  failing to win a single  race of significance. Oops.  Then there are Arabian horses, which,  at a mere $100,000 a pop, you  might consider a safer bet.  Considered by many to be  the most regal horse around,  Arabian horses are known for  their beauty and friendliness  and are one of the oldest  known breeds of horses.  A royal lineage amounts to a royal price. 
Number 8: Miss Missy. 
Cows aren't known for their intelligence  and it might be just as well  they aren't quick on the uptake.  They'd watch humans fawning  over horses in the next field,  brushing their tails and  galloping them around,  and wonder why the only time  they get any individual attention is  when they're shipped to the abattoir.  Some cows get the attention they deserve  and no cow has had the  same level of attention  as Miss Missy, a Holstein Cow  of such prize-winning beauty.  She fetched $1.2 million at auction.  Miss Missy may not have a great name,  but at least she has a name - you know,  as opposed to only a tag  bolted through her ear  with a processing number to identify her.  In 2009, she even added a  distinction to her name.  She is now Miss Missy, 2009  Western Fall National Show  North America's Grand Champion.  If only all cows could  enjoy such a distinction.
 Number 7: Stag Beetle. 
No one, but no one, you might say,  would pay any significant  amount of money for an insect.  In fact, if you heard someone  say they'd shelled out  a substantial amount of cash  in relation to an insect,  you'd assume they were  paying pest controllers  to come and gas them.  Stag beetles, however,  are no ordinary insect.  Their trademark antlers  and impressive scale -  between two to three inches -  have proven to be of such  interest to collectors  that some lunatic -  sorry, beetle enthusiast -  paid the princely sum of $89,000  to purchase a stag beetle.  Let's hope it never  escaped from its enclosure.  Imagine feeling that unique  combination of crunch and squish  beneath your shoes and realizing  you had 100 grand worth of  dead beetle on your sole.
 Number 6: Palm Cockatoo
.  Birds have plenty of fans.  Given the popularity of  bird watching worldwide,  it's perhaps not too much of a surprise  that people are willing  to shell out thousands  for some of the most  colorful birds around.  The palm cockatoo is the  world's most valuable bird  - - no mean achievement  given that there are  around 10,000 types of birds in the world.  The cockatoo's curved beak, large crest  and the distinctive red mark on its head  are among the features that earn it  an average price of $16,000  and make it such a  treasure for enthusiasts.  There's the Hyacinth Macawalso,  which also has its admirers.  The world's biggest flying parrot attracts  an average price of $14,000  and has a beak so strong it  can crack coconut shells.  Perhaps best to admire it  from a safe distance then.  Toucan's don't do too  badly in the market either.  Their beautiful, multi-coloured beaks,  infused with the tropical  splendor of the jungle,  help them fetch prices of up to $8,000. 
Number 5: De Brazza's Monkey.
De Brazza's Monkey, also  known as swamp monkeys,  are curious looking characters.  A snowy, Santa Claus beard dominates  the lower part of their face.  They've also got a quiff  that crowns their head,  which wouldn't look out of  place in a hair gel commercial.  The monkeys can be found in  the wetlands of Central Africa,  if you're good at hide and seek, that is.  These monkeys are one of the most  elusive simians around and  rarely venture out of cover.  Perhaps that's why they cost  between seven and 10 thousand dollars.  Chimpanzee's are even more expensive.  You can expect to shell  out more than $60,000  for an animal that shares  98% of its DNA with humans,  but be wary of joining  those who think that  genetic affinity amounts to  the guarantee of a good pet --  there are numerous reported cases  of chimps savagely attacking their owners.
 Number 4: White Lion Cubs. 
Lions are known as the  kings of the animal world,  so you'd expect them  to cost a pretty penny.  If you'd like to own a white lions,  the rarest and most beautiful lions around  (there are only 300 in the whole world)  so obviously you can  expect to pay even more.  White lion cubs are worth an  estimated $140,000 dollars.  Many will question why  you'd want to own something  that will grow up and try to eat you,  but they obviously haven't seen  pictures of white lion cubs.  Is there anything cuter?  If you're feeling more sensible  and still have 50 grand to spare,  why not plump for a Savannah cat  to fulfil your need for feline company?  Often compared to dogs  due to their friendliness,  Savannah cats should make  for a less dangerous pet.  There are also Ashera cats  with the price to match.  $15,000 to $100,000 is a typical price  you'd pay for one of these.  Let's hope you get the  affection you've paid for. 
Number 3: Pandas. 
Pandas are the poster child  for endangered species worldwide.  Looking at their big wide  eyes and cuddly toy fur  would make anyone lament  humankind's destructive impact  on animal habitats, even though  panda numbers are partially  threatened because  they can't be bothered having sex.  Pandas are so valuable China  have been known to use them  as sweeteners for trade deals.  There you were thinking China  was the fastest-growing  economy in the world  due to its booming population  and ability to manufacture products.  Actually, they're raking in the  bucks by renting out pandas.  Worldwide zoos pay millions  a year to rent pandas.  San Diego Zoo alone has paid $46,000,000  for pandas since 1996.  That equates to over half a million a year  to rend out a pair of pandas.  Perhaps pandas will be floated  on the stock market next.
 Number 2: Texel rams.
Herd animals rarely get  the attention they deserve.  Sheep, like cows, spend  most of their life crowded  into a field, left to get  on with the serious business  of eating as much grass as it takes  to get fat enough for slaughter.  Some sheep are so special, however,  that they can't help but stand out.  Deveronvale Perfection, a texel ram,  fetched almost £250,000 in 2009  when he was purchased by  Scottish farmer Jimmy Douglas  at an auction in Lanark.  Remarkably, it's been suggested that  Douglas will turn a  profit on the transaction.  John Yates of the Texel Sheep  Society pointed out that  a texel ram called Tophill Joe  had earned £1,000,000 in stud fees.  "A lot of people see these  animals as lamb chops,"  Yates said, "but these flocks are  "at the top of the genetic pile.  "This was the elite  animal that stood out." 
Number 1: Albino Reptiles. 
People seem to have a  thing for albino reptiles.  For example a white, albino snake  with yellow scales and red eyes.  No, $40,000 isn't how  much you'd pay someone  to keep the lavender albino ball python  as far away from you as possible,  it's how much people are  prepared to pay for rare snakes  that appear as a result  of recessive genes.  Then there are albino crocodiles.  Crocodiles are pretty  chilling at the best of times,  those primeval eyes rising above the water  like periscopes to pick out their prey,  but pale crocs are even more terrifying.  If someone were to tell  you that Kim Kardashian  and Victoria Beckham have a keen interest  in albino crocodiles, you'd probably think  they'd lost their mind,  but both celebrities have  shelled out around $100,000  for the privilege of getting  close to albino crocodiles.  Fashion brand Hermes  breed albino crocodiles  for a very specific purpose  - making diamond encrusted  crocodile skin handbags  that sell for huge prices.  The record to date is a sale for £294,000  for a handbag, described by the  auction house Christie's as,  "the most desirable handbag in existence."  All of this seems a little  unfair on albino crocodiles.  Perhaps if Victoria  Beckham, Kim Kardashian,  and all the rest of them  want to use an animal's skin  to carry their make-up around,  they should do the dirty work themselves  and take up croc wrestling.  There's a reality show  that would make a mark.  How much would you be prepared to pay  to own one of the animals in this post?  Let me know in the comments  section down below.  And if you enjoyed this post,  make sure to subscribe for future posts. 

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