If you see this, Run fast and ask for help

if you see these run fast and ask for  help there are so many different animals  in the world that nobody even knows the  exact number of existing species some of  them are beautiful and some are ugly  however not everything is as it seems  because the ugly ones may be safe and  the beautiful ones can be deadly  or not for example this caterpillar  looks like somebody dropped their wig by  accident it's not very big but it's very  hairy you might think that because it's  hairy  it's tender to touch but don't let that  fool you in fact if you touch the hairs  they will penetrate your skin and sting  you Wow that doesn't seem fair now does  it according to the experience of other  people the pain is unimaginably bad so  stay away from this caterpillar if you  can however if you get stung  doctors recommend washing the area use  soap and water but be very careful not  to press the spot because this will make  the poison spread faster after you  finish washing the sting put some ice on  it to reduce the pain if the pain  doesn't go away within the next 30  minutes or so go to the hospital  immediately we think caterpillar pus  looks too gross to touch it and we hope  you agree with us now we're gonna tell  you about 12 other animals that you  should run from as fast as you can if  you ever encounter them in the wild  counting down from
number 12  Deathstalker  well the name says it all this is the  deadliest scorpion of all to give you  some perspective the Deathstalker is  responsible for 75% of all victims of  scorpion attacks usually it doesn't kill  healthy adults they only feel terrible  pain but it can easily kill children if  they are stumped they have a fever coma  and finally they can't breathe because  the lungs are filled with fluids if this  kind of scorpion still doesn't seem  awful enough to you how do you like this  they can demonstrate cannibalistic  behavior if they can't find other food  they can also eat snakes  if they win the fight the only way to  survive being stunned by this scorpion  is to go to the hospital immediately  isn't this fun
number 11 carpet Viper  here comes another champion carpet Viper  is considered to be the deadliest snake  because it kills the biggest number of  people yearling the way it kills is  really curious in an awful way it  injects some toxin into the blood of the  victim this toxin doesn't let the blood  clot so the victim just bleeds to death 

number 10 cone snail now this snail is  so dangerous that one drop of its venom  is more than enough to end 20 human  lives the worst thing about it is there  is no cure or some kind of antidote if  it stings you you are dead  whatever you do it is also known as the  cigarette snail because it's poison  kills you as fast as it takes you to  finish one cigarette hopefully you don't  smoke so that you'll have time for  something more important

number 9 stone  fish this thing looks like a stone see  now there are two things you need to  know about this fish first if you  confuse it with a rock and step on its  spikes it will poison you and you will  lose your leg that's actually the best  case scenario the stone fish is very  economical it injects the amount of  poison proportional to the pressing  weight the second thing is it takes the  stone fish just 0.15 seconds to react to  a moving object another fish or your leg  to open its mouth and bite it so losing  the leg is really possible so watch your  step whenever you are in the ocean 

number 8 Africanized honeybee this  kind of bee is very different from all  others because Africanized honeybees are  actually a result of an experiment  woohoo a Brazilian man was trying to  make a new breed of bees and actually  let them out so these bees are more  aggressive than regular bees  maybe because they know they were  genetically engineered and are pissed  off about it and they can chase their  victims for very long distances their  poison is not  dangerous than the one that normally  more friendly bees have but if you get  stung by a large number of them you  should see a doctor anyway

number 7  Brazilian Wandering Spider because they  don't have GPS do you know why the most  venomous spider in the world is called  Wandering Spider the thing is that  unlike other spiders it is often found  in places full of people especially in  the daytime you can find them in houses  or even in cars now we wonder how Ron  Weasley would react to such news

number  6 Black Mamba you may have heard about  this snake its name is pretty popular  Quentin Tarantino gave this code name to  the main character in Kill Bill now this  snake is known as the most aggressive  snake of all you know usually experts  say that when you see a snake the best  course of action is to move away from  the snake as slowly as you can otherwise  it might think you are a threat and  attack you which is probably the last  thing you want to happen  however Black Mamba is very different it  can attack you even without provocation  some people think that it kind of enjoys  it anyways if it bites a person and he  or she doesn't get an antidote in the  next 30 to 50 minutes they will die the  poison shuts down the nervous system and  paralyzes the victim

number 5 poison  dart frog if this frog looks beautiful  it's hard to deny that however don't let  this beauty deceive you  this frog doesn't even need to bite you  to poison you it has poison on its skin  you see this is how it works in nature  whatever is the brightest is the most  dangerous never touch or even come close  to something you want to touch in the  wild including the dart frog oh isn't he  pretty let's just touch it Oh see that  doesn't work does it

number 4 titi fly  this fly is not venomous or anything  like that however it's still very  dangerous otherwise it wouldn't end up  on this list first of all it sucks blood  like a mosquito which is gross enough as  it is but the worst thing it can do is  transmit African sleeping sickness which  kills around 250,000 people every year

number 3 in our cavalcade of killer  critters is the blue ringed octopus this  octopus is tiny but as you might have  guessed really deadly it kills its  victims in a very cruel way it bites the  victim and injects a poison into the  bloodstream after that the victim gets  paralyzed within a few minutes which of  course means they can't breathe the only  way to help a person in this case is to  start artificial respiration and  continue to do it for the next few hours  until the effect of the poison wears  down

number 2 Komodo dragon these guys  are really good hunters they can wait  for their prey in a hideout for a long  time after they detect the prey they  chase it eat out the throat and wait  till the victim bleeds to death  hmm boy most humans are lucky because  Komodo dragons live mostly in places  where humans don't and they don't need  to eat very often well that's a good  thing and

number 1 the most dangerous  varmint out there according to our list  box jellyfish this is the most dangerous  living thing on earth after mosquitoes  that transmit malaria of course its  venom kills so fast there is nothing you  can do just to be safe  avoid all jellyfish that you see while  swimming on the ocean or the sea oh it  makes you just want to go to the beach  now doesn't it anyway we decided not to  tell you what to do if any of the  described species attacks you in their  own way for only one reason the only  thing you can do is go to the hospital  immediately even if you don't think that  whatever attacked you is dangerous for  your health see a doctor you know better  safe than sorry  otherwise the only surefire way to never  meet up with any of these critters is  ever leave home. share this video with  your friends so that they are also aware  of the dangers and won't pet that pretty  little caterpillar  and  click subscribe to join us on the 33facts.

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