101 facts about fortnite

today we're gonna be dropping  something quite familiar to anyone who  survived the year 2018 mind you those  that didn't I'm seeing this post I  hope anyway fortnight may well be the  biggest video game phenomenon with the  21st century beating off other battle  royale games in a battle royale of  battle Royales well for now anyway  but just how successful has this game  become who oh who has sued epic games  and also is this terrible timing  considering that last week  apex legends just came out it may well  be become bigger than fortnight and  that's actually planning our videos way  far ahead asunder sense of service this  time yeah  maybe anyway too much of who the  Russians gonna be answered because I  just answered the third one this time so  hop on the battle bus do a stupid dance  and prepare yourself for 101 facts about  fortnight's yeah let's dab on them  number one fortnight is a video game  number two all this more okay edits you  build forts and shoot people shoot there  are different modes which you can  download separately but always popular  of these is fortnight battle royale  where 100 people drop into a massive map  and must fight to be the sole survivor  number two fortnight was developed by  Epic Games and is currently headed up by  creative director Donald mustard which  is an incredible name that sounds like  it's from cluedo if you're into video  games and don't know epic how is that  possible they made Gears of War the  Unreal Tournament games and the Unreal  Engine number three port 9 was actually  first announced back in 2011 a whole  seven years before it would take off  with this battle royale mode the context  2011 was the Year portal to Dark Souls  and Skyrim some important arts  plant-based botany from born men number  four the battle royale mode we know  today wasn't originally the be-all and  end-all of the series as the game was  originally meant to only be zombie cop  survival which they marketed as  minecraft meets left 4 dead 2 it someone  probably thought silly epic minecraft  already has zombies that a day will  never work but this fake person I just  made up feels really stupid now number 5  so why is it called fortnight I know we  tackle the big questions here on 101  fact well for the zombie survival mode  your character has to build a fort and  survive in it for two weeks  ie a fortnight very clever less clever  now that aspect of the game is no longer  the focus but what can you do it's just  a bit unfortunate  thought you know yeah you got back  number six  fortnight what revealed to the world  that Spike TV game Awards in 2011 where  Cliff Bleszinski described it as a game  that's more about survival than anything  else despite the many many changes the  game went through this phrase still  holds up number seven the game was  supposed to have a creepier Tim Burton  II look to it  when zombie survival was more of a focus  instead they lightened up its aesthetic  to make it look more like Looney Tunes  and the Pixar movies since they wanted  players to enjoy playing in that world  for an extended amount of time and not  be exhausted by it number eight this  co-op survival version of fortnight made  dormant for years with even a small  announcement in 2015 link people know it  be available on Mac if it ever came out  this all changed when fortnight saved  the world it's sort of cooperative  campaign was revealed and launched as  paid early access back in July of 2017  number nine there are plans to make save  the world free-to-play in 2018 much like  its battle royale counterpart but that  has been delayed till 2019 with no  specific release dates if you don't  fancy being a cheapskate and waiting  around its $39.99  whatever that means number 10 fortnight  was the first game to use the Unreal 4  game engine which is a major reason for  its long and troubled development cycle  this is kind of a big deal since there  are dozens of games would utilize it  such as the new Spyro remake crackdown 3  Psychonauts 2 and player unknowns  battleground hmm interesting more on  this pop G character in a minute number  11 fortnight is not only playable on  game consoles and PC but Mobile's as  well Wow so you can play it anywhere  like this guy and this guy and this guy  if it wasn't for the technological  advancements made by the Unreal 4 engine  this would not have been possible number  there are a bunch of differences between  the mobile versions and the full console  and PC editions  Samantha controls a little bit more  streamlined when using only a  touchscreen doors open automatically  there's additional visual cues to pop up  on screen to mitigate the inferior sound  design Anderson I meant playing  comparison to other versions and it has  a massive graphical downgrade but hey  and this is portable baby  number 13 Epic Games and fortnight of 40  percent owned by the world's biggest  games company Chinese conglomerate $0.10  who acquired epic stock way back in 2013  it's si car it seems like bought Lite  wants to drop in every part of the  I guess well domination is its own  victory royale really number fourteen  ten cent have been trying to bring  fortnight to a Chinese audience for the  past few years but the approval of new  video games into China was frozen by the  Chinese government back in

August of  2018 while no one knows the real reason  some speculate it's due to the ccp's  crackdown on video game addiction in  children regardless this move has cost  hem sent millions fortnight is big but  not as big as it could be it permitted  access to the biggest market in the  world number fifteen ten cents bian  wasn't all good news for epic as many  big name stuff the company back in 2012  when the toys for $0.10 first began  these include former Epic Games  president Mike Capps veteran developer  at Epic Games Cliff Bleszinski  and director of Rod Fergusson who went  to work embark infinite as well as the  new gears of war games after Microsoft  purchased the IP number 16 Liz insky who  went on to formed boskie Games has since  accused Epic Games of poaching their  talent to work on fortnight one of those  former employees William McCarroll  denounced these claims by calling them  presumptuous and hurtful since he wants  to be considered a human being and not  some corporate asset Sydney Cliff  Bleszinski more like twist clothes boss  key because their game wasn't selling  ski that's actually true what  number 17 the battle royale mode for  fortnight was conceived after epic  developers fell in love with player  unknowns battlegrounds ie pub G which  had been released in March 2017 hoping  to capitalize on the Battle Royale trend  epic release fortnight Battle Royale six  months later number 18 the battle royale  style of the game is directly inspired  by the 2000 Japanese movie classic  battle royale where 42 school children  are sent to an island where the only way  out is to fight each other to death with  only one left standing sure it's  chock-full of child murder but it's  really entertaining child murder and  book night is also full of killing kids  if you think about it okay so that guy  cheated  number 19 despite both fortnight's and  pub G having 100 players dropped into a  map where only one player or team can be  the winner for tonight's set itself  apart with its building mechanic as well  as his colorful aesthetic and polished  gameplay it was also released with a  free-to-play model over pub G's  traditional paid model and so the battle  royale between battle reals battle  royale ie  began number 20 unsurprisingly epics  opportunistic take on their competitors  unique selling points spurred the Korean  trade as a pub G pub cheek or into suing  Epic Games Korea in January 2018 this  lawsuit has since been dropped but  neither side has confirmed why or if  it's ultimate was agreed to spooky  number 21  one reason the pub G fought by copyright  law of war ended could be because $0.10  owned a minority percentage of not just  Epic Games but pub G 2 as recently as  August when t 18 you know what I always  say if you can't beat them join a  Chinese corporate conglomerate aiming to  win a monopoly of Chinese video game  market as the overwhelming power of  globalism it will inevitably swallow  someone laugh you you know what I always  say if you can't beat them join a  Chinese corporate conglomerate aiming to  own a monopoly in Chinese video game  market as the overwhelming power of  globalism but never to please all of us  all I do why say that to be fair number  22 oh probably re on a gun off number 20  day oh yeah you've heard it one of the  reasons fortnight is gained so much  attention is its accessibility for night  is available for example and ps4 Xbox  one switch PC Mac iOS and Android it's  actually harder to avoid than it is to  play number 23 another feature  increasing its accessibility is being  able to play with anyone no matter what  system they're playing on porn I just  featured cross play between console pc  and mobile players since March 2018  number 24  the switch version came out hours after  it was announced at e3 2018 but not  without a bit of drama ps4 users were  being locked out of using their account  on switch edition of the game due to  Sony's policies which also restricted  cross play between ps4 and twitch  entirely this did however get resolved  dr. metric fluff ton of backlash so we  can all get completely destroyed by PC  players together in harmony  number 25 as fortnight blew up in  popularity in the first half of 2018 the  game is since garnered 8.3 million  concurrent players subscriber gold am i  right mother factors I should get one  one facts - what about million subs  hashtag YouTube life hashtag get tilted  number 26 they also have over 200  million players overall which is about  the same population size of Pakistan for  some more context there while the  Warcraft has 100 million registered  accounts and minecraft has 91 million  monthly players trends rise and fall in  popularity but right now it's  fortnight's turn up top until apex  legends that is number 27 despite being  free-to-play fortnight might well be the  most lucrative video game in history  they made more than 1 billion dollars  from in-game purchases alone which is  well it's more money than I can  realistically conceive especially since  it only gained popularity about a year  ago god I could buy a lot of chicken  nitrogen Haribo with us number 28 a big  reason for the game's profit abilities  due to the battle pass if you don't know  how butter pus works while buying it  gives you access to exclusive challenges  and unlocks which rewards you for your  play they change with every season so  not only is there new reasons to keep  playing it also bans a frantic fear of  missing out when it comes to making the  most of your bathroom post purchase  number 29  Myrtle Pass was designed to be the  antithesis of other free to play models  epic games producer Roger column  reference to time play tactics of mobile  games and pay to win loot boxes as a  blueprint for what not to do  turning specifically to how League of  Legends monetizes its content without  damaging the free experience of the game  take the hint EA oh you did oh well I  stand corrected number 30 if you really  really want an unfathomable statistic to  represent how popular fortnight is look  no further than twitch a sport night has  been watched for over 5,000 years worth  of time on the platform in just two  weeks  that's just short of 2.2 million hours  and that stat doesn't even include  YouTube which is insane number 31 this  amount of time is so significant that  media giant such as Netflix consider for  tonight to be its biggest competitor  since they're competing for people's  spare time too rather than other TV  services which aren't doing nearly as  much bangers Netflix are but which do  you prefer in this imaginary competition  that's now apparently happening bot  night or Netflix let me know in this  fancy YouTube power number 32 fortnight  is not just killing the competition but  its own company's property too as its  overnight success resulted in many teams  being moved to develop solely for the  game this inevitably shut down  production on the title Paragon  completely more like powered gone that  pun doesn't work and just saying the  same word twice let's move on number 30  spray well for tonight caused the loss  of Paragon the game will live on in  another form  epic decided to release all the assets  from Paragon on to the unreal  marketplace completely for free that's  12 million dollars of digital assets  usable by anyone in their own projects  with no strings attached  sounds pretty epic to me number 34 are  you sick of us talking about fortnight's  massive success well tough you're on the  wrong video we've got one more fact  about it to fortnight's has won a bunch  of awards including game of the year  2018 at the golden joysticks the game  award for best multiplayer game and most  prestigious of all the Teen Choice Award  for videogame fortnight just oozes  highbrow prestige and everyone knows it  number 35 fortnight in pub Jean might  still dominate the battle realm  landscape but there are plenty of other  games chopping into competition these  include realm royale me neither call of  duty black ops 4 blackout mode and the  latest Challenger apex legends apex  seems to be the biggest threat is it  gained 10 million players and 1 million  concurrent players on its first day will  this fresh meat to be able to keep up  the momentum though only time will tell  number 36 with the riser fortnight also  came Tyler ninja Blevins who was the  first streamer to reach 10 million  followers and is thought to earn more  than five hundred thousand dollars a  month I mean what are we doing here guys  we don't know more than that let's all  go play fortnight no that's not number  Blevins was a professional gamer before  fortnight's he starts a professional  gaming on Halo 3 back in 2009 became a  streamer in 2011 and played h1z1 in pub  G before making the traitorous  - they commenced a fortnight before  before number 38 ninjas ascension -  which royalty hasn't been without  controversy though in one case he said  he wouldn't play with girls on his  stream because it might spark rumors of  him being romantically involved with  women other than his wife this was met  with significant backlash since cutting  off the opportunity to work with the  biggest personality on a huge media  platform for half the population might  just be seeing this problematic no one  could've seen that coming  much like a ninja actually hey wait a  minute number 39 lebens caused more  bother when he falsely accused another  user of screen sniping him a form of  cheating where someone watches someone  stream to work out their location he  went to great lengths trying to get this  YouTube and calling him out to his large  audience and getting on to his direct  content at Epic Games because he  couldn't handle the fact that someone  was watching a stream that's available  to the public  he sounds fun to play with number 40  ninja is a generous fellow when it comes  to dealing out some tips and tricks  though if you want moves like Tyler like  the maroon 5 song he advises would-be  pros to learn the map state coast of the  storms actually won't be flam from  behind and always usual shields if you  have any I mean that last one it's  pretty obvious isn't it your services to  never stay still always be getting  resources or looting gym downtime and of  course practice you're building oh I  forgot to mention yet you can build lots  in this game he also says the young  players to finish their homework before  treating themselves to fortnight's maybe  he's not the worst role model number 41  while some companies don't know what to  do with retina gaming epic games have  decided to throw a buttload of money at  it which tends to work for most thinks  they will provide 100 million dollars to  fund the prize pools in fortnight  competitions that on the face of it  sounds absolutely ridiculous but  considering that the eSports industry  will cross the 1 billion dollar mark in  value in 2019 100 milli is a great  investment considering the potential  growth the meaning all for life despite  the crazy money dump epics first  competitive competition was a bit of a  disaster  latency issues help to eliminate top  players early on only 4 of the promised  10 matches were broadcast and the  gameplay itself turned out to be a  boring camp fest as everyone playing  hope to wait up the competition to  increase their chances of winning the  $250,000 prize money looks like stopping  the competition early made for a short  nights  number 43 every online game has its own  brand of terrible cheaters and fortnight  is no different  epoch is taking the battles to them by  suing two players but the names of mr.  Brue mr. frost spear for up to $150,000  in damages are not too caught up with  the mr. men law but those who don't  sound canon to me number 44 epic is also  sought to solve this by acquiring  anti-cheat company car mu responsible  for the software easy anti cheat their  software has been used in a variety of  online games including rust smite  Dragonball Fighters II paladins and was  already being used in fortnight itself  number 45 in what feels like the  billionth lawsuit involving this game  epic game sued a QA contractor over a  leak which revealed the result of a  season 4 game event if he accused thomas  hanna revealed where the meteor would  hit to a friend in his DMS which he  believed would remain confidential  it did not much like many things in the  ends so Hanna now not only has a huge  company breathing down his neck but he  probably lost a friend too and hey  that's the more hurtful thing here  number 46 founder of Epic Games and  creator of fortnight Tim Sweeney likes  to buy land a ton of land actually the  conservationists own 7,000 acres of  wilderness in North Carolina spending  fifteen million dollars to protect the  land from being bought by power company  and being built on which is well it's  kind of ironic really considering  fortnight is about building things  number 47  you know something has reached the main  string when pop icons get involved in  fortnight is no exception  professional mumbler Drake's a  modern-day Mozart behind hotline bling  join ninja for a charity stream I feel  bad for insulting their H because he did  donate $5,000 so sorry Drizzy number 48  ninja asked rake during the stream if he  would put any fortnight references into  the lyrics of one of his songs  Drake said that he would but only if  Epic Games put in the hotline bling'  dance as an amount  unfortunately that request was from  quite a while ago back in March 2018 and  it's been no news since so stale if  drank without a song would I floss in  your grave you know where it came from  number 49 if you want to know what the  fortnight font is it's Burbank and was  designed by Tali Ming bit of graphic  design knowledge for you there number 50  she can you believe it  this excellent drawing of a chicken  character by an eight-year-old made it  into for tonight as an actual character  with no foul play involved free chicken  comes down for price of one after the  touring is posted to Reddit Internet  strangers on the site helped him develop  and improve the idea before getting it  submitted to epic the developers floated  the idea and made the little boy's  vision a reality  number 51 parent will do many ridiculous  things to make their kids happy and one  of them is apparently hiring  professional Fortnight coaches to school  their kids on how to nab those victory  Royale for themselves here's a tip just  get good well some parents claim it's to  prevent their child from being bullied  at school others hope for their children  to go professional and earn the kind of  money eSports due to its competitors  they can pay up to $30 an hour for a  coach $30 an hour I could save up for a  signed autograph from Jennifer Lawrence  for that kind of money but probably be  just as useful number 52 in what may be  the most mean field crossover of all  time Marvel Studios those absolute blaze  of my life teamed up with epic twit fan  awesome fortnight for a limited time  there was a game-mode which let players  pick up the Infinity Gauntlet and become  planners who had devastating powers and  an intimidating amount of health he can  also dance you could make furnace dance  number 53 their loss isn't the only game  mode to come and go is these limited  time events come in many shapes and  sizes these include the 50 V 50 mode  pretty self-explanatory their steady  storm where the storm doesn't stop  closing in one shot where players have  low health low gravity and sniper  weapons and bare bones which limits the  GUI or GUI or graphical user interface  on screen number 54 would epic make any  of their limited time mode permanent or  who you ask well well Thanos probably  won't return mode such as 50 V 50 do  have the demand for it also add to that  the fact that playground one of the game  modes what's made permanent at the end  of last year if it was possible for  playground why not others number 55 one  of the more unique and weird events to  happen in the game was the first ever  virtual music concert headed up by EDM  artists marshmallow this 10 minutes  concert was played in game at pleasant  park and coincided with a bunch of bible  marshmallow skins and emotes  whoever this Marsh fellow is he's got  incredible business savvy partnering a  four  nights good on you marshy lad number 56  one of the most famous skins in the game  is named the Reaper with the description  vengeance for higher it was a really  difficult skin to get as it required  getting level 100 in season three's  battle paths so anyone seen with it can  be assumed to have put in the hours  it also directly references Keanu Reeves  character John wick the badass gun for  hire with infinity for poppers and  revenge number 57 the game makes plenty  oh wow sorry whoa whoa puberty come back  the game makes plenty of references to  pop culture in their other skins to the  rust Lord Skinner's are not the  star-lord and guns the galaxy the Black  Knight references Monty Python and  shieldmaiden looks a lot like Katheryn  Winnick shield maiden in the TV show  Vikings number 58 there was a player who  managed to grab the name fortnight  winner as they use a handle however they  went 1,000 games in a row without ever  winning which I honestly can empathize  with aim for the stars though but number  59 YouTube rewind 2018 which heavily  featured fortnight and Will Smith making  guttural noises delighted at the sight  of the battle bus is the most disliked  video on the entire platform  it featured ninja a bunch of late night  hosts during fortnight dances because  you know that's what this platform is  about and YouTube is dropping onto an  island I mean it's truly awful number 60  fortnight resurrected an age-old  argument of how video games might  negatively affect children are Garber  heard it all before many see their  children neglecting a school work and  barely leaving the house to play  fortnight as a gaming disorder which is  a proposed condition by the World Health  Organization's in September 2018  despite this vital research still needs  to be done into the phenomenon and it's  only known to affect a small amount of  people professor

 Andy sure Bilski from  the Oxford University says that there's  nothing from a psychologists perspective  to be worried about when it comes to  fortnight and that it's popular because  it's free and accessible not because  it's violent which it really isn't  number 61 there are some concerning  cases when it comes to the fortnight  child addiction arguments one case  involved a nine-year-old girl who ended  up wetting herself after playing  fortnight for 10 hours and punched her  dad in the face when he tried to  confiscate the game thankfully she's now  seeking treatment at a clinic for her  problems but it's not every day you hear  about a nine-year-old needing therapy  I've playing too many video games number  62 the supply llama has become an iconic  part of the game but there was some  controversy around the V buck llamas in  the save the world shop as they  resembled loot boxes from other games  the entire country of Belgium rule that  loot boxes are a form of gambling as you  and any kid who are buying them do not  know what the items are in sight this is  bird fortnight to make the llamas show  what's inside them so epic have dodged  some sort of child gambling calamity  number 63 another problem fortnight has  had was in the next book to do with aim  assist if you increased fortnight's FPS  to 240 it increases the effectiveness of  aim assist so much that your crosshairs  will magnetically lock on to the head of  your desired target with aimbot  precision - shame they've patched up  really because it's really the kind of  cheating I need Nintendo 64 fortnight  monopoly exists because Hasbro will not  stop until they've made a monopoly of  literally everything in existence which  actually sounds appropriate considering  the name we've got one coming soon while  I won monopoly long not really but it  comes with fortnight pieces and unique  battle royale rules the Fort Knox  Edition that is so dropping your  monopoly money on property works a  little bit differently this time round  number 65  while some teachers worry about students  playing the game in class others reacted  in a different way a group of students  but their chemistry teacher than if they  could get 6700 retweets on their tweeter  challenge the teacher would have to make  their final test about fortnight's they  got over 30,000 retweets and the teacher  made good on his word turns out those  sport night coaches from before seemed  less stupid now but also those kids  education is gonna suffer as a result  number 66 you can dance if you want to  in fortnight you can leave your friends  behind because your friends don't dance  and if they don't dance then they're no  friends of mine anyway I've got  distracted there but the game features  plenty of unlockable dance taunts many  of which are based on real dancers from  pop culture the default dance is the one  Turk does in scrubs damn kids don't know  scrubs number 67 just hey everything  it's all awful other notable real-life  dancers and moves put into the game as  emotes include the salt bay meme the  best mates dance from marlin web Gangnam  style and take the El is a salt mix  between sports fans and Pennywise his  dance from 2017 it number 68 the story  of orange justice it's not a story the  Jedi would tell you a young boy in an  orange tea  submitted a dance to epic games as part  of their boogie down contest  he lost scumming in 23rd but people on  the internet campaigns that the kid  starts to be put in any way just this  for the orange shirt kid was eventually  served as the dance called orange  justice was put in the game and balance  was restored to the universe number 69  drop me like the bangbus unfortunately  the mother of orange justice kid has  recently decided to sue Epic Games for  their use of the dancers and emote which  is strange since the dance was clearly  submitted for a fortnight competition  the competition rules did explicitly say  though that epic would retain the rights  to the dance and the winner wouldn't be  paid money for the dance it remains to  be seen if justice will be served either  way as the case continues number 70  Epic's trouble was far from over though  is they would receive numerous more  lawsuits concerning the dance emotes in  the game these would come from Milly  Rock the flossing backpack kid Anton  fondue Ruby Arrow who famously played  Carlton banks in The Fresh Prince of  bel-air number 71 the reason why  fortnight's feels comfortable using  these dances is because they are such a  difficult thing to copyright you have to  determine whether the dance is owned by  the dancer or the choreographers or  whether it's a social dance which  everyone can perform or if it's long  enough to be a choreographed routine  rather than the potential building block  to another dance no one wants the site  for the creativity of dance as a whole  certainly not me since new dances are  often amalgamations and involved  versions of all the ones in short and  thank you for listening to my TED talk  there's a reason why fortnight she was  legally comfortable with their seconds  long emotes number 272 the developers of  fortnight paid homage to their  multiplayer shooter history by putting  in a poster in the game depicting the  Unreal Tournament map facing world's  there it is look there number 73 another  poster depicting epics history can be  found displaying the character jazz  jackrabbit released back in the 90s when  wacky cartoon videogame characters were  all the rage number 74 there's an  incredibly rare chance that when  erecting a stone wall don't laugh come  on you'll produce an own bearing wall as  in your wall will have a gnome in it it  does absolutely nothing but hey looks  nice a number 75 a statue made out of  cars and a truck can be found which some  have said is a reference to Optimus  Prime at transformers Fame but that's  wrong it's clearly truckasaurus from The  Simpsons kids these days  number 76 every game begins on what's  known as spawn island as players connect  and wait for the round to begin you can  actually see it from the main map but  it's not designed to be reachable since  it's surrounded by invisible walls this  obstacle was proved you become back in  June 2018 with a shopping cart glitch  but this exploit was swiftly patched  away for now the promised land remains  just out of reach at least after you get  on the battle bus number 77 australian  youtuber marcel trying to rescue a  player stuck at the bottom of a cliff  without any materials to build up but  hilariously murders him by accident with  a golf cart we've all been there epic  games wanting to pay tribute to this  tragic failure of her mission have  placed a tombstone in the game at the  same place the manslaughter occurred  number 78 a kill streak by Elemental  underscore ray a player with a 0.47 kill  ratio ie not that great but probably  better than me has the highest solo kill  streak in the entire game standing at a  ridiculous 48 kills how is that possible  well during the month in a light tone  rocket launch event many planes in the  game built a large ramp to a platform  where they could watch the light show  unfold before them and a mental ray saw  the opportunity here and destroyed the  ramp from underneath causing them to  plummet to their deaths number 79 the  marks are the in-game currency with  which you can buy all the cosmetic items  and luxuries dancers skins you know  anything that makes you look super cool  and fly the V stands for vendor tech  which is a fictional technology company  found in the save the world mode intern  vendor tech is named after the  mysterious doctor vendor Minh turns out  there's a super deep lore and it doesn't  stand for bergeon bucks like the YouTube  comments tell me number 80 it's not only  the kids who were getting in on the port  knight craze as weirdly criminals are  using v bucks to launder money  criminals do this by purchasing v bucks  with stolen credit cards and reselling  them for a discount on the dark web Epic  Games is trying to combat these issues  but experts say they've not done enough  and crime thrives on the platform number  81 the vault or whenever something is  bolted refers to an epic removes items  and features from the game for various  reasons usually because of gameplay  balance while a volatile item may have  been removed from play they may return  at a later stage once it's been tweaked  to work with current gameplay  some of these include the zapper Tron  the crossbow and the jetpack number 82  they used to be two different  types of jump hat a directional one  which sauntered player in a direction  and a vertical jump and which catapults  the player vertically these got  condensed into the belts pad which gives  the player the height with control over  sideways traversal the bounce pad though  eventually got bolted but there's still  the launch pad which is the closest  method of traversal number 83 fortnight  in shoot a new weapon into the fray  called the Infinity Blade on December  the 10th 2018 and then took it out of  the game four days later despite only  dropping once per game the sword was  deemed too powerful but there is still a  chance it could make more of a nerved  appearance in the future number 84  fortnight's now goes through seasons  where various changes happen to the  ever-evolving map and comes with fresh  challenges and skins available until  next season rolls around number 85 with  these seasons also come live events and  vague story developments involving meets  yours interdimensional cubes and zombie  creatures invading and destroying parts  of the island I'm not quite sure what  the stories actually about but I guess  it's cool that it interacts with players  in real time I mean a plot would be nice  but number 86 not all seasons are  created equal though as the first season  only came out with the disappointing 5  obtainable rewards overall 5 this was  when challenges were first introduced oh  so the game was still finding its feet  number 87 season 2 step things up in  December 2017 as they introduced the  battle password tears going up to 70  this was also when the flosser boat came  in and rewarded top tier earners with  the Black Knight armor number 88 season  3 was when the game started to get  really popular so it's a good thing the  season had some great offerings beyond  its superb space theme I mean Wow as  well as hints of an incoming meteor  strike this more it introduced snobby  shores haunted hills and tilted towers  to the map as well as throwing the game  at a bombshell that was explosives into  the fortnight Arsenal number 89  tilted towers is one of the busiest and  most contested areas in fortnight due to  the density of the loot film there and  its vertical environment because it's  volatile nature with such a shake up for  the game its introduction brought  controversy and hope that the incoming  meteor which appeared during season 3  would obliterate it this meets your  eventually destroyed dusty Depot for  season 4 but tilted towers did lose a  three-story building number 90 wild  season 4 brought meteoric destruction a  hub rocks which planted low gravity  jumping it also had a super  boom it introduced new locations such as  the villain there and risky reels as  well as the first vigor in the game the  shopping cart I can finally fulfill my  dream of playing Dale Winton supermarket  sweep in a videogame this one's for you  Dale  number 91 season 4 also featured the  fortnight blockbuster contest which  asked players to make their own  superhero movie using the replay system  the grand prize of $25,000 went to chant  the need for his film prepare for  collision number 92 when the meteors  approach was in-game that destruction  caused didn't happen in real time this  all changed with the rocket launch which  would be fortnight's first live event  again teasing the end of tilted the  rocket fell back to earth and nearly  crashed straight into it only for it to  disappear in amount of interdimensional  rift in space and time  all us players watch the events unfold  with their very own eyes 93 the risks  caused by the rocket would stick around  and grow until the end of season 4 for  season five though players could use  these newly spawned riffs to teleport  around the map they also introduced a  desert biome Paradise Palms circling  storm movement and toys which allow  players to get up there basketballs  beach balls golf balls and tomatoes and  play tomatoes there interactable - much  like the football or soccer balls dotted  around the map number 94 one of these  events interacted with real-life cracks  in time and space formed throughout the  map relocating disappearing iconic  objects and landmarks the der burger  mascot disappeared from atop the fast  food restaurant and a replica of it was  found in the desert in real life this  was confirmed to be a PR stunt by Epic  Games themselves but does that mean real  life is for tonight  number 95 never buy the cube from season  five was mysterious and layered but the  marked in the fortnight subreddit  prevented the word keep from being used  but I mean I have no idea why but anyway  this resulted in the cubing named Kevin  because well Kevin's alright as a name I  guess number 96  season six has all these mysterious  floating islands but all I really care  about is the pets this season brought in  little dog oohs dragons and chameleons  as animated back bling they're purely  hashtag aesthetics of course as  fortnight tries to keep up its  reputation for not being paid to win but  they are cute I can finally be the  Khaleesi I've always dreamed of being  number 97 season 7 is the latest one and  it centers around an icy cold glacial  theme to coincide with the winter period  snowy peaks and frozen lakes come with a  new vehicle in the form of a fighter  plane called the storm wing x4 this adds  a crazy amount of verticality to the  whole map because it's a plane after all  but everyone will definitely know  exactly where you are fair trade-off  really number 98 the gap between season  7 and season 8 is the longest in the  series but epic have finally announced  the start of the new season will roll  out on February 27th we haven't got a  clue what the theme is but we recommend  snooping around the map for hints like  these eggs for example could it be  Easter could it be fire-breathing  dragons that you know are just on your  back who knows oh wait hang on a minute  Game of Thrones that's all in a couple  months maybe it's you know the Battle of  the I can't say that what I'm you  cheaper yeah keep an eye number 99  fortnight creative is the latest mode to  be built where you can build your  heart's content it's basically a more  Minecraft e fortnight mode with the  focus on customizing your own port night  games or building something with friends  ah it's a neat way to lean on the  building aspect of the game rather than  the fighting and I can only imagine how  many body parts have been built and  erected in that mode number 100 storm  incoming as if for tonight wasn't  already everywhere they may well be  releasing a real port night soda  based on the in-game item slurp juice  when the idea was suggested to Donald  mustard a stomach right name on Twitter  he replied with this mm emoji  that's not exactly much to go on but  they did serve the drink at twitchcon in  2018 so maybe they do want to print more  money number 101  will there ever be a new map rather than  an ever-changing one epic say there  could well be but that they aren't  focused on that right now  citing the constant changes they make to  the current one to keep the game fresh  this is due to their ever-growing list  of whack-a-mole problems such as  cheaters and server issues  Never Say Never though so that was 101  fact about fortnight what did you think  did you enjoy it which skin is your  favorite and which emote is your  favorite and are we too late on this is  a pic two legends already taking over  let us know in the comment down below  also good as video one like and  subscribe to 101 facts if you haven't  done so already because it's what all  the cool kids are doing it's cooler than  a boatload of V bucks guys in the  meantime though my god look at these two  videos that on screen now they're both  the pinnacle of 101 'dom and you're  gonna really dig them even moreso than a  mole click on one and I'll see you there  I'll be waiting bye

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